Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Corregidor - from Lew

There are about a thousand things I would say about our visit to Corregidor - but because it's already almost 1 am, and tomorrow will be another busy day, I really should get some sleep. I've just finished uploading almost 200 photos from today's visit to the Fortress Island onto Facebook. You can visit the album here:

Sorry I haven't had time to do captions on them as well.

I would like to add as a side note that I had the privilege of accompanying Elsie to a Rotary sponsored meeting this evening. Called "RVote," it is run in conjunction with the National Committee on Elections. This May will mark the first time an Asian country will use electronic balloting in a nationwide election. The RVote program tonight brought together representatives from various communities across southern Luzon to explain the elections process, demonstrate the use of the new voting machines, and answer questions regarding process and procedure--all for the purpose of these representatives returning to their home areas and educating their fellow citizens on how it will all work come May. This is a massive step forward for a country that has routinely seen tremendous corruption in the elections process; it was an absolute privilege to witness the true strength of democracy in action. Honestly, being at that meeting made me feel much more like a cultural observer than a tourist - which is exactly the way I prefer it.

Tomorrow we'll be visiting a program called "Stepping Stone" as well as the Children's Hospital, and attending the Rotary International Dinner tomorrow evening.

Check out my photos, and I'll post again as soon as I can.


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