Monday, February 15, 2010

Something we won't be missing come March...

Just thought our followers in Manila might appreciate a look at the weather here in southern New Jersey. We've had two major snowstorms over the past 2 weeks, totalling somewhere in the vicinity of 35 inches or so. Honestly, I think we're all looking forward to warmth and sunshine!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A visit to the Philippine Consulate on 5th Avenue in New York City

On February 12 Tim and I took the train to New York City to go to the Philippine Consulate to apply for the Visas the team needs to stay in Manila for the entire time of our exchange.  Everyone there was very courteous and nice despite the large number of people there trying to get one service or another from the Consulate.  We were able to obtain our visas the same day.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Presenting to 7500 Mid-Year Assembly

Last week at the Rotary District 7500 Mid-Year Assembly the Group Study Exchange Team was given the opportunity to introduce themselves to Rotarians from our District.  They spoke about themselves and their job classifications. Presenting are Tim Robinson, Lewis Lazarow, and Ben Giovine. Team Leader Cliff Sporn is in the rear.